Wednesday, November 6, 2013

SERIOUSLY precious cargo in route...

Village, Today is the day that the Lord has made and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it, despite the fact that our sweet Gracie Doo looks really rough today...

Here is the Kangaroo Crew (transport team) getting her ready to head to the ambulance...
It took them a little longer to head out because when they transferred her from her crib to the to the gurney, her cO2 level went up, so they decided to give her a paralytic and let the vent do most of the work for her on the flight...

Here is God's provision in the form of a well equipped plane, capable medical team and the worlds best Daddy, carrying and caring for some SERIOUSLY precious cargo...
They took off at about 9:15 am and the flight should last 3 hours and 40 minutes!

I've been up since 4:15 this morning, your messages, texts and prayers have already blessed me greatly!  Just  knowing that I'm not alone and that you are already flooding heaven with prayers brings me much needed comfort.  I have been and will continue to fight (and trust me it's a fight) to keep my mind out of the gutter (fearing the "what if's?) and instead focus on...

What or who is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy...

Will you please continue to...
today and everyday until our Gracie Doo is healed (Lord willing)?

So, I'm hoping that I just the missed the memo and that puffy eyes at work is the latest fashion trend because if it is, I'm totally nailing it today :-)

THANK YOU!  Loving you all to pieces and can't imagine life without you, Village!


Mary Ross said...

I was blessed this morning to be a part of the sweetest, trusting, pure prayers with Abby and Andrew before school. They are tough cookies, just like their sister. Their hearts praised and thanked and asked God to be with the medical teams, the airplane, and Grace's heart. They have the grit to make Team Ducks proud of them for wanting the best for Grace even as it is hard to be separated again.

Julie said...

The puffy eye look is totally cool Kristi!! I'll wear it with you today if need be! :) Praying and just thinking of you all about every minute. You guys are some tough cookies, and God has used only the best to glorify HIM!