Monday, June 2, 2014

Day 7, dogs and hearts...

The biggest update for the day is that Grace was literally just switched from high flow oxygen to a regular oxygen cannula.  It is exciting in that it's a step in the right direction of recovery, however I'm also super nervous that she's not going to be able to handle it.  She was still sounding pretty junkie today, so they increased her breathing treatment and chest PT to three times a day.  The fever that she spiked late last night was the lowest that her fever spike has been yet, so we are praying that the fever monster will leave her alone tonight (or forever :-).  

In typical Grace fashion, she knows how to win her nurses (and other kids nurses) and Dr's over by waving and blowing kisses to them, showing them her books and pictures of her family and dogs.  It doesn't take long for people to learn that Grace LOVES all things dogs and we LOVE all things hearts (because of Grace's special heart of course)!!!  One of the nurses in the PICU that was taking care of the child next door to Grace (so, not even her nurse) called Grace's room today and asked if she could bring a blanket up that she found (a donated blanket) and thought of Grace.  How precious, perfect, and thoughtful is this blanket?!?!  DOGS AND HEARTS!

God used that sweet nurse to bless us in a big way today!  He has also used you, sweet Village!  

Will you please pray specifically that Grace does well on regular oxygen, and no more fevers?  


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