Sunday, July 10, 2016

We have a threenager...

HELP...  we have a Threenager in the house!  Here is just one example:

Grace LOVES her princess ballet class so much that she came to us yesterday with a big frown on her face and said "more princess ballet, PLEASE!"  So, of course we dressed her up and found her a wand and we did our own princess ballet class.  Precious, right?  Until the princess ballet nazi didn't ever want the class to end, so she made her bubba and sissy continue practicing until she had enough.

The big kids are such troopers!  They lasted way longer than David and I did.

-I forgot to post a picture of Abigail's new shoes that she designed with a gift card she got for her birthday.  They are down syndrome colors and say Lil' Foo on the tongue which is what Abigail calls Grace.  Love that Abigail is such a fierce advocate!

-We went to a free 4th of July concert in The Woodlands (where David's parents and one of his sisters lives) which has become a sweet family tradition.

Andrew has always wanted to play the violin, getting to test it out only solidified his desire.

Our little firecracker!

One of my all time favorite pictures of my dad!

The fam!

Every year, our favorite part of the concert is when they play the songs of each branch of our military and anyone who has served in that branch stands for their song, while we all applaud and ponder on our gratitude for their sacrifice and courage! We especially like when they get to the Army and we get to celebrate our Papa!

-Our swim season is coming to an end, which is bitter sweet.  We LOVE our Greatwood Geyser team and are so proud of the kids for all of their hard work this season.  They just completed Meet of Champs where Abigail shaved 3 seconds off her best Freestyle time and 5 seconds off her best backstroke time.  Andrew who is FAR less competitive than Abigail set his PR in Freestyle and his relay teams made it to Meet of Champs (they only take 2 in each age group).

We had a blast at the end of the swim season banquet tonight!

-Lord willing, we are heading to a Family Reunion this week where we hope to recreate these pics from 6 years ago and many great memories!  Will you please pray for health and safety for our family?  As you know, it is easy for me to get anxious about Grace getting sick and ending up in the hospital preventing us from going or ending up in the hospital in a different state.  I'm constantly reminding the big kids that fear and anxiety don't come from the Lord and in fact we are commanded (something like 365 times) to "fear not" throughout scripture.  Practicing what I preach!  Thank you for your faithful prayers!

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