Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Just me (David) tonight- Thank you for your continued prayers!  In regards to surgery, Grace's surgeon has her scheduled for surgery on Monday, but Grace decided early this morning that today would be a good day to act a fool, so our cardiologist and the nurse practitioner on the floor today both emailed our surgeon to tell him that they think waiting until Monday would be too late.  About seven different times today, Grace has done this thing where she coughs a little bit (that's her warning signal), then she starts trying to vomit, but she never gets anything out, she just tries to for about five minutes straight and looks like she's choking all throughout the process, all the while during this, her heart rate and oxygen saturations drop really low into the 60's or 70's.  Once she's done doing this (she's usually sitting up in the bed), she puts her head straight up in the air and rests her head on my hand that's behind her head and breathes very heavily and starts to fall asleep because she is so tired from all of her dry heaving...oh yeah, and she turns bluish/grayish in color.  Just in case, one of the attending's in the ICU came to pay Grace a visit on the floor and discuss some treatment ideas with the nurse practitioner, as well as to see Grace in the event that she needs to be whisked away to the ICU tonight.

Hopefully, Grace's behaviors today will be enough to convince her surgeon to move some things around and make room for her in the operating room on Friday.  However, I also pray that Grace does not have a day like this tomorrow.  I felt like I had seven flashback's today to when Grace and I were on the step down unit at Texas Children's Hospital and Grace started gagging, then turned blue, then coded and had the crash cart pulled out for her.  So please pray that the surgeon is convinced from her behaviors today and that Grace has a better night and day tomorrow.

A blessing for today came in a brown package that was delivered to our room.  Some of our good friends from church mailed a Christmas care package for Grace and I.  It was filled with Christmas decorations for Grace's crib and room, snacks for me, some cards from people at church, some Christmas bows for Grace, and other items to keep me from going stir crazy.  Thank you to everyone who contributed to that box and everyone who continues to bless our family in ways that you could never imagine how greatly we have been impacted.  Thank You!


Here is a picture of Grace and her roomy, Maverick!

1 comment:

Tricia Keierleber said...

So cool that they are roomies!

I'm glad she is proving that she needs surgery, (I know it is super tough but it keeps any doubt from haunting y'all.). BUT I hope she does not get worse and code on you! :( Hang in there Grace and hopefully you'll get all fixed up Friday! Give Daddy a break, angel girl! ;)