Sunday, March 5, 2017

Update since starting chemo...

UPDATE:  Andrew started chemo on Friday night, so far so good in terms of side effects (praise the Lord).  He is still dealing with excruciating tummy pain (especially at night).  Will you please continue to pray for a resolution of tummy pain and that God would use the chemotherapy to work exceedingly, abundantly, and beyond anything the Dr's ever imagined in reducing the size of the pancreatic tumor, lymph nodes, and liver tumors?  Please also pray that the Lord would give the Dr's wisdom on how to best treat Andrew and they would not ever give up hope on him?  While we are asking God to show up and show off big time, will you please also pray the cancer hasn't spread any further and that God would lead us to a surgeon who can successfully remove the tumor on his pancreas without the need of a Whipple procedure (because the Whipple procedure is so risky and and it is so important that they remove the primary source sooner than later)?

I have been experiencing more peace over the past day and a half as the Lord continues to work on my heart.. big time (again, I had to learn the same lesson with Grace), drawing me to a place where I can leave my (His) boy on the alter before the Lord (figuratively speaking, meaning I surrender Andrew to whatever God says is best) and trust that God's will is better than mine (even if it's not at all what I want).  What that DOES NOT mean is that we give up a bit of hope, stop continually asking/begging the Lord to heal Andrew, giving him a long, healthy life, or we don't fight for his life with all that we have (in God's strength of course)!  The elephant that has been sitting on my chest for the past week has morphed into more of a gorilla which is a huge improvement.  Isaiah 40:31- Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.

I don't like posts with a lot of words and no pictures, so in case you are like me...

Just a couple warriors snuggling in the morning!

I can't leave out this little warrior who is fierce in all she does, especially if that means standing up for her siblings.  On Friday night, there was boy who was bullying Andrew, physically knocking him down on purpose, while they were playing a game.  Abigail sprung into action, telling him he better not touch her brother again, to which he got up on his tippy toes to make himself even taller than her while glaring at her in an attempt to be intimidating.  I asked her if she was scared and she laughed and said "no!"  I thought to myself, that poor boy had no idea what type of little ninja he was dealing with. Mama Bear might have also made an appearance (a God-honoring one) to make sure there wouldn't be any more of that shenanigans ;-)

***Andrew's Army, If you would like an Andrew's Army t-shirt, you can order one here!

Thank you for ALL of your support!  We couldn't do it without y'all!  


Julie said...

A gorilla is better than an elephant. But I'm sure you still feel a bit "knocked out" as gorillas aren't tiny. Great post on allowing Andrew to be fully the Lord's child, not yours....what a testimony that we aren't in control, although we sure would like to be. Thanks for being a witness to others, and you forgot to post pictures of you and David, as two of the most amazing warriors I know! The Lord's got this.....He is fighting.

Kathy A. said...

I thought of you all as we sang this song in church this morning by Hillsong:

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus love and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
but wholly trust in Jesus' name.

Christ alone, Cornerstone,
Weak made strong in the the Savior's love.
Thru the storm, He is Lord, Lord of all.

When darkness seems to hide His face,
I rest on His unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale,
my anchor holds within the veil.

Christ alone, Cornerstone
Weak made strong in the Savior's love,
Thru the storm, He is Lord, Lord of all.

Made you feel God's love wrapped around you,
Love, Aunt kathy

Bethina said...

Standing with you and your family in prayer and love - just reading your post is such a witness to your strong faith and I am humbled. I truly know God is catching ever tear and loving you through this process. I pray for our Father's wisdom and healing to guide you all as you continue to abide in God's grace and rely on His strength through this trial. Sending love, hope and prayers to you and yours-a sister in Christ.

Tracy Donovan said...

i learned of your blog from friends at church (Harvest UMC in Sienna Plsntation). Please know that we are praying fervently for sweet Andrew and your family. We are asking God for peace and comfort for all of you and for miraculous healing that can only come from Him.

Unknown said...

Your post brought me to tears! We continue to pray! I've been doing Relay for life for years. We started a team with our local fire department. I'm ordering t-shirts so my family can wear them this year to honor Andrew! God Bless you and your family!