Friday, October 2, 2015

longest shortest 24 hours...

We met with Dr. Mahoney (the chief of hematology at TCH and my hero) today!  He might be one of the most kind and intelligent physicians that I know (that's sort of saying a lot, since we see a number of Dr's with Grace and I interact with Dr's everyday for my job :-). He took the time to explain each lab value that was of interest and helped me to understand that Grace's numbers that are out of whack could be "normal" for her, since children with Down Syndrome can often times have bone marrow dysfunction, but that doesn't mean it's leukemia.  After a thorough history, exam, and new labs (her third lab draw in three days) he said that there is no reason to do a bone marrow biopsy because he can confidently say that "at this moment, she doesn't have leukemia"!!!  TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!  He was clear and honest about saying that he can't say that she won't develop leukemia, but he helped me understand what lab values, signs, and symptoms we need to watch for in moving forward.  Apparently, there is a gene mutation (common in children with Down Syndrome) that they can test for (via a simple blood test) that has shown to be a good predictor of future risk for leukemia, so we will have that test done shortly.  Once again, the Lord has used this scare to remind us what's really important in life and it's not what many of us concern ourselves with.  It IS about knowing, loving, and trusting the Lord regardless of our circumstances and the opportunity that we have to love  others well!  Y'all have loved us so well through this most recent scare, as well as everyone who has been there before this.  Thank you for every prayer you flooded heaven with, and the encouraging words you took the time to text, type, or speak.  Thank you for offering to feed us, love on our big kids, be a listening ear, and everything in between.

October is Down Syndrome Awareness month, you are each a special and integral part of Grace's Village, so please consider helping us celebrate Down Syndrome and our Gracie Doo by purchasing a Grace's Village shirt.  All proceeds will go to Gigi's Play House Sugar Land (a Down Syndrome resource center serving children/adults of all ages) that will be opening on Dec. 5th, 2015!  If you would like more information about Gigi's Playhouse, please visit  We will also wear these shirts at the Buddy Walk Houston on November 14, 2015.  Please come walk with us if you live anywhere near the Houston area!  If you don't live in Houston, or Texas for that matter, we would love it if you wear your shirt on November 14th and post a picture of yourself so we can make a photo book of Grace's Village members sporting their shirt :-).

***I'M WORKING ON MAKING YOUTH SIZES AVAILABLE (hopefully by Monday they will be added :-).

Please click on this link to order your shirt-


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