Sunday, July 12, 2015


Abigail had a nasty virus last week (fever and pink eye for 5 days), so she missed her last swim meet of the season, but we were so proud of her for having a great attitude about it.  On his last meet, Andrew swam his best race so far.  We couldn't have been more proud of his second place finish for freestyle!  We always talk to the kids about our expectation being that they try their very hardest (in God's strength) and have fun.  It always makes my heart smile when I see Andrew sitting on the ready bench with his head bowed and hands folded, praying.  Remember, Andrew is our kid that loves to play, but he isn't the one that wants to push himself too hard, so you can imagine how precious it was when Andrew rushed to find me right after his race to show me just how hard he was breathing from pushing himself so hard.  It's been neat to see him find a sport that is worth exhausting every bit of his effort for :-).

I love these two pictures that the Geysers photographers captured...

I had hernia surgery on Thursday, which went well, I'm just less than thrilled that I can't lift anything greater than 15 pounds for 4 WEEKS!  That is super hard when you have a Gracie Doo that weighs 25 pounds and doesn't understand why her mommy can't pick her up :-(.  I also have a whole new appreciation for the important role that our core/ab muscles play in our everyday life from sneezing to getting out of bed.  This taking-it-easy thing is for the birds!

One more random thing...  David and I love to work on our marriage (hence why we attended a marriage conference a few months after getting married :-).  I have read a number of different books, devotionals, etc about marriage and I have to say that the book I'm currently reading is called "Praying for your Husband from Head to Toe."  This might be my favorite book so far because it gives you the opportunity to cover your husband in prayer literally from head to toe using Scripture as the foundation for each prayer (you can even insert your kiddos names in many of the prayers).  I wish that I could buy each of you this book and send it to you, but since that's not realistic I just want to encourage you to make a $10.00 investment in your marriage.  If you take the challenge will you please let me know how you see God moving in your marriage (specifically your husband)?

Just one more random thought, I promise... check out these awesome shirts that I just purchased for our family! WE SURE DO LOVE HOMIES WITH EXTRA CHROMES!!!

That's all for now... love you, Village!

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