Long time no see, sweet Village! I apologize for my absence the past couple of weeks, to say we've been busy is an understatement.
-Grace and I had a great birthday celebration last Saturday! No, it's not Grace's birthday yet (she doesn't turn three until August 27th); however, I couldn't help but crack up because it was on my birthday that I realized how Grace must think that everyday is her birthday around this house because everyone is constantly doting on her. For instance, David and the kids brought me breakfast in bed for my birthday, as well as some precious cards that they made for me. For every card they made me, they made Grace two, and they spent much of the morning decorating Grace's door to her bedroom with the new cards and pictures that they made her. Not to mention that they/we are always vying for the opportunity to steal kisses, snuggles, and giggles from our little Gracie Doo (even if she's being a stinker). I have to say that it was such a neat time of reflection on the morning of my birthday to realize how much the big kids ADORE their little sister because it was just three short years ago that I worried and wondered if all of the extra attention that Grace would require and the fact that she would be "different" would take away from the big kids in a way that caused them to feel like they got gypped having a sibling with special needs. Needless to say, nothing could be further from the truth because God is bigger and better than all of those earthly fears! I spent my birthday cheering on Abigail and her soccer team in a hard fought game that they won! We went bowling and had dinner with my dad and step-mom.
Pre-birthday dinner with my In-Loves!
The kids's got to dress up for Go Texas Day at school!
My bowling buddies...
...And I didn't get a picture of the nail-biter soccer game or my birthday dinner with my parents :-(.
-Abigail had her 2nd Grade Famous Americans play this past week in which she got to be Rosa Parks. She did such a great job, we were so proud of her and all of the other 2nd graders!
-Andrew had his Kindergarden Rodeo at school this week as well, which was precious and extra special because we didn't get to go to Abigail's when she was in Kinder because we were in the hospital with Grace.
-World Down Syndrome Day is March 21st and Gigi's Playhouse is thrilled to be hosting a celebration at the Sugar Land Memorial Park that day. If you aren't close enough to come celebrate with us in person, will you please join us in celebrating from afar by wearing crazy socks and/or Down Syndrome colors (blue and yellow) on March 21st (get it... 3/21 = 3 copies of the 21st chromosome :-)?
-We are currently on a much needed vacation for Spring Break. Will you please pray for safety, health (I have to constantly give my fear that someone is going to wake up sick, especially Grace, to the Lord), attitudes of gratitude, and many special memories to be made? We are looking forward to all sorts of fun activities, but I'm really looking forward to getting outside on a big open field to play a family favorite game of tag... you see when we play in our backyard I get nervous that someone is going to hurt themselves by running into the grill, play set, table and chairs, or any of the other potential obstacles that could require another visit to the ER, so I can't wait to play in an open field to make sure that my 7 year old can't really tag me! Abigail is SO stinkin' fast that she seriously gives me a run for my money and I'm not ready to submit to getting beat by my 7 year old :-). I'll let you know how it goes!
Hope y'all have a blessed week, joining us in our efforts to maintaining an attitude of gratitude in all things! We all have so much to be grateful for "Every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17