Saturday, November 9, 2013

Frustrated, prayers needed...

David and I have spent the morning, felling a little (or a lot) frustrated that we still don't have answers on a surgery date, there is still debate whether to keep her intubated or extubate, etc...  It makes it REALLY hard to plan a trip to Boston when we can't get an answer on a surgery date :-(.  Don't get me wrong, they are doing a GREAT job of caring for our Gracie Doo and I have full confidence that they will do what's best for her, we are just desperate to move things along and get Grace back on the road to recovery.  You know it's rough when David is ready and willing to deal with gnarly withdrawls just for the sake of seeing our little sweetie AWAKE!  Watching her just lay there for 10 days straight, can be discouraging to say the least.  We know that they aren't ignoring Grace (or us), it's just hard to get answers on a weekend and her mitral regurgitation is so severe that they want to make sure they have all of the right people involved in her case (which makes scheduling even more difficult, the more people involved), the right strategy in place, etc.

Will you please pray for wisdom and skill for everyone involved in caring for Grace, quick answers on a surgery date (so that David and I will have time to plan) and comfort for Grace as they are already weaning her off of the sedatives in preparation for a possible extubation today.

I hope this picture doesn't ruin your day, but it will give you an idea of how rough our little angel looks, and this is just the beginning of the weaning/withdrawl process :-(

We will keep our eyes focused on God, not our emotions or circumstances because we know that HE knows exactly when surgery will be and what is best for His Gracie girl.  He has never left or forsaken us thus far (just like His word promises) and HE has ordained every step of this journey, so we will rest in Him. This is where you come in, Village...  will you please pray us through this day (and all of those to follow :-) as we seek to rest in His goodness and trust that God's got the details all figured out and when we need to know, He will make sure we get the memo?

Abigail, Andrew, Papa Toot and I went on a tour of a local fire station this morning, which was fun!  Leave it to my sweet and deep thinking Abigail to come up with a tough question for the poor fireman... "What happens if you don't get to the emergency in time?"  The fireman did a great job of answering her question and it provided a great opportunity to discuss it further on our way home.

Village, thank you for always being ready and willing to pray us through each day!

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
Psalm 147:3

1 comment:

Tricia Keierleber said...

Praying! Sorry for the frustrations!!! :/ They know you have to come from Texas- you'd hope they'd be more sensitive to that when scheduling. :/