Friday, November 15, 2013

Bumps, bumps, and more bumps...

Today has been a rough day AGAIN...  Like far too often, upon calling the nurse to check on Grace early this morning, we found out that Grace's left and right atrial pressure went up a good bit and she has a side effect called Chylothorax (a collection of drainage that consists of protein, fat, lymphocytes and electrolytes) which can be attributed to either the higher pressures or an injury that occured during surgery (of course, this only happens in 0.5-2.0% of patients, somehow Grace always decides to be the kid that falls in the unlikely range).  They treat it with time and a special formula diet (no fat type of formula).  We spent the morning having to restrain Grace because she once again broke through the sedation and the rest of the day was spent working with all of the Dr's to try and figure out what caused her pressures to shoot up since yesterday because her echo looks "good/unchanged."  I had a good cry this morning because of all of these steep drops along this Divinely designed roller coaster and most of all the heartache over all that has been and will be done to our baby (4 and potentially 5 heart surgeries in her 14 months of life, being poked and prodded CONSTANTLY, etc).  As I recited scripture verses in my head (which is so helpful in driving out sadness and fear), I felt like The Lord reminded me that HE is omniscient (knows all possible things, past, present and future), therefore, He knew exactly what Grace would endure in her life (how many surgeries, heart catheters, hospital stays, every poke and prod, etc), so He created her accordingly.  Just like His word says "My grace is sufficient for you for power is perfected in weakness..."  Therefore, His grace is sufficient for Gracie Doo = He gave her all of the strength necesssary to accomplish His will.  I felt like He was saying to me "Oh, Kristi!  You couldn't even handle switching places with Grace because I created her way tougher than you!"  I know that, despite the Dr's being stumped about Grace's numbers, God's not surprised and He's got this, so we will continue to draw our strength from the One who has an endless supply!

One of those hugs from God came as I was on about the 5th hour of sitting in a chair next to Grace's crib watching her numbers, waiting for the Dr's to come in to discuss the plan
 and reminding Grace of how strong she is and how proud of her we are...  someone delivered me a package and here is what was in it...

The shirt and sign perfectly depict how PRECIOUS and TOUGH Grace is, don't you think?!?!  I LOVE them and was so blessed by them as they arrived just when I needed that hug most.  Thank you Alvarez family for your thoughtfulness!  Some of you may know Summer Alvarez, she is the one who was selling her amazing nail decals to support Gracie Doo!   We contiue to be humbled by their and all of your prayers, encouragement, and generosity.  As I have mentioned before, you, Village, continue to hold our arms up like Hur and Aaron did for Moses when he was too weak to fight.  

Will you please pray for wisdom for Grace's Dr's and that Grace would blow them all away with her numbers and a heart that functions so awesome that it can only be explained by the power of God's mighty hands?  Please also pray that David and I can rest in the arms of Jesus tonight, not fearing a phone call in the middle of the night or a bad report in the morning.  God's mercies are new every morning, so we are claiming that tomorrow will be a new day full of His goodness!  Last prayer request, I promise...  will you please also pray for me, as I plan to go back to Texas on Sunday and it is already tugging at my heart, wanting so badly to be in two places?  It's so hard to imagine leaving Grace with so much uncertainty, but I know how much Abigail and Andrew need me home (and I'm dying to see them too).  THANK YOU VILLAGE!!!

My boss came up with a new slogan that we are totally adopting, tell me what you think...  

GRACIE STRONG!!!  Get it, we are in Boston... "Boston Strong"  :-)


Tricia Keierleber said...

Praying! Definitely get those cries out when you can so you can function! :)

Ashleigh said...


Unknown said...

Thanks. Great help
