Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Latest stats...

Abigail had her 2 year check up and Andrew his 6 month check up today. God certainly has a sense of humor... while they are 18 months apart, only 5 pounds separate them:) They even wear the same size diaper now!

Some of the characteristics that we love most about our little hunnies are Abigail's funny sayings, dance moves and thoughtfulness and Andrew's precious smiles, infectious giggles and perfect hugs!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Our little "BIG" kids!

Our little girl is growing up SO fast... She is now sleeping in a "big girl" bed! Abigail attended her friend Glo Glo's 5th birthday party last weekend (she was the youngest one there) and she participated just like all of the bigger girls (they got dressed up, painted their nails and did their make-up).

Here is our "BIG" man! He is 18 pounds of the most infectious smiles and giggles!